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https // to download clone phone

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. OPPOのスマホにはデータ移行アプリClone Phoneが搭載されています前のスマホがAndroidでもiPhoneでも連絡先や写真などを新しいOPPOのスマホに復元できる機能ですClone Phoneで移行できるデータCl. Clone Phone lets you frictionlessly migrate files settings and data from your old phone to your new OPPO device. Ed esiste una procedura anche per trasferire dati da iPhone a OPPO anche se in questo caso non è possibile passare anche le app perchè si tratta di app iOS. Extend battery life and expand storage with just a tap.

Phone Manager does smart things so you dont have to optimizing performance and clearing junk without interruption. If you have an old iPhone open Clone Phone on the new phone directly and follow on-screen instructions to sign in to iCloud account and sync the les. Download and install Clone Phone next open Clone Phone on both the new and old phones and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the operation. Basta seguire una procedura abbastanza semplice attraverso lapp Clone Phone e si possono trasferire dati da Asus Huawei Samsung Sony Xiaomi e tutte le altre marche Android a OPPO in un batter docchio.

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